Description :ID2003 BANANA BANK, CAYO RIVER FRONTAGE The land is situated between two church mission groups and is accessed by a well-maintained all-weather access road. The road is a cul-de-sac and therefore has very little traffic. Out of the five riverside parcels in this area, three of them belong to separate church mission groups. The land is all jungle and has the access road on one side and the river on the other. There is electricity available. It is about 3 or 4 miles to the main Western Highway and another two miles to Belmopan., the capital of Belize. At the end of the access road there is a pedestrian suspension bridge that gives access to Roaring Creek Village which is only one mile from Belmopan. The road from the Western Hwy. to the beginning of the access road is also a well-maintained all-weather road that goes north through the Valley of Peace. It is strongly rumoured that this will become a major highway sometime in the future that will give access from Belmopan direct to Orange Walk, north Belize and Mexico. Asking Price: USD $145,000 BZD $290,000 For more info :Call: +501-614-5100 (Belize) :USA+747-500 4799 Laura Alvarado.